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ECN publication
Extra luchtverontreiniging bij parkeervoorzieningen: Berekeningen met een aangepast CAR-model.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1990
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--90-047 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
28 Download PDF  

Air pollution on roads near parking facilities is generally underestimated with dispersion models, such as the Dutch CAR-model, intended for determining immision levels from traffic intensities, road characteristics, and emission factors. This is caused by the extra emission at the beginning of a trip due to a "cold" start and driving while the motor is still warming up. Because three-way catalyst systems are not functioning until they get hot enough this extra pollution during the first part of the trip remains a problem still to be solved. Another problem, specific to parking, is the "hot soak" emission of benzene due to evaporation of petrol from the fuel system at the end of the trip. Using data from a recent measurement programme calculations have heen made for CO, NO2 and benzene with a modified CAR-modeI for a realistic parking situation to illustrate the case.

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