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ECN publication
Neutron metrology in the HFR: stainless steel compact tension and tensile specimens irradiation experiment R312-01/02 (SINTEX): evaluation report
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--98-014 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
62 Download PDF  

Within the framework of their programme for analyses ofLWR-vessel behaviour after 30-50 years operation, ECN is investigating the irradiation effects on austenitic stainless steel pressure vessel (PV)-cladding materials. As part of this programme an irradiation campaign was performed in the HFR in Petten, Netherlands, consisting of two separate irradiations of compact tension and tensile specimens at a nominal temperature of about 295C loaded in two similar specimen holders up to target dose levels of 0.1 dpa (SINEXT-01; R312-01) and 0.05 dpa (SINEXT-02; R312-02) respectively. This report presents the final neutron metrology results obtained from activation monitor sets situated in both specimen holders, including detailed information concerning an estimation of the dose received by each specimen separately and their temperature during irradiation. The total number of displacements per atom (dpa), the generated helium content and the activity values after irradiation for several waiting times are also given for each specimen. The main results of the thermal and fast neutron fluence measurements indicate that the obtained damage levels in the specimens vary from 0.066 to 0.098 dpa for R312-01 and from 0.032 to 0.062 dpa for R312-02. 23 refs.

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