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ECN publication
An overview of developments in foil-based back-contact modules
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 22-9-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--14-057 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
4 Download PDF  

Back-contact modules made using a conductive back-sheet foil have a number of advantages over conventional H-pattern modules including a higher power output, compatibility with very thin cells and efficient and high yield manufacturing. In this paper, we present the results of efficiency and material optimisation for cost reduction when using metal-wrap-through (MWT) cells. This includes the use of an aluminium conductive back-sheet, a thinner encapsulant for reduced conductive adhesive consumption and an increased number of vias in the cell. Experimental and modelling results show that the cell and module performance can be improved at a reduced module costs (4% lower than current cost of MWT modules) whilst retaining reliability.

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