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ECN publication
PV module lifetime prediction and quality assurance as addressed by SOPHIA
Bennett, I.J.; Zhu, J.; Gottschalg, R.; Koehl, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Berger, K.A.; Zamini, S.; Gerritsen, E.; Malbranche, P.; Pugliatti, P.; Di Stefano, A.; Aleo, F.; Bertani, D.; Paletta, F.; Roca, F.; Graditi, G.; Pellegrino, M.; Zubillaga, O.; Cano, P.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 22-9-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--14-058 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
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The lifetime of a PV module is critical for PV manufactures, developers and end-users as it directly affects the energy yield and so cost of a PV system. The standards IEC61215, 61646 and 61730 are considered excellent for identification of major design issues, but they do not include sufficient testing to be able to predict outdoor performance and lifetime. The objective of the PV Module Lifetime Prediction work-package in the FP7 project SOPHIA was to investigate a standard for lifetime prediction based on combined stress testing of commercially available PV modules. This paper will describe the work performed in testing three module types beyond the standards mentioned above with the aim of developing a quality assurance sequence for PV modules. The goal of this sequence is to provide a tool to identify failure mechanisms and predict lifetimes for different climatic conditions for different module types.

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