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ECN publication
Defining sub-targets for deep decarbonisation - Keeping our eye on the ball
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 27-5-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--16-036 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
12 Download PDF  

The European Union´s system for its 2030 energy and climate targets is eliciting considerable debate. The debate however seems to take limited account of the uncertainties and national differences that abound the pathway towards a low-carbon economy in the future. This paper elaborates on how these aspects may interact with targets´ optimality, showing that limited flexibility in a target strategy may lead to substantial additional costs to achieve the needed transition. The paper then touches on the importance of linking intermediate and long term targets. Finally, the paper discusses how target definitions and the current EU governance regime for energy and climate can lead to further inefficiencies. The paper concludes by providing a number of actionable suggestions to tackle these issues that can be combined into a comprehensive governance regime for 2030 and beyond.

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