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ECN publication
Besparingseffecten van slimme meters met feedbacksystemen en slimme thermostaten
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 29-6-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-N--17-017 External memo
Number of pages: Full text:
32 Download PDF  

In the framework of the Energy Agreement it was agreed that energy savings in the built environment will be boosted by means of a mandatory covenant between market parties, network administrators and government (SER, 2016). This covenant is intended to result in an energy savings market and to achieve energy savings of 10 PJ in 2020. Network administrators will ensure, in collaboration with system and service providers that provide insight in energy consumption, that this information will be made accessible upon the installation of a smart meter or at a different natural moment, if users are already in possession of a smart meter. Energie suppliers, installers and other market parties offer smart thermostats and other savings devices and services to households and small businesses. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has requested ECN to investigate how many feedback systems and smart thermostats are required to realise 10 PJ additional savings.

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