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ECN publication
SiteChar. Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Deliverable D.8.3 Public Outreach Activities
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 5-9-2013
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--13-009 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
37 Download PDF  

This deliverable describes the task of making available generic and site-specific information about the SiteChar activities regarding the site explorations to the general public as well as to the local public at the Scottish site and at the Polish site. Generic and site-specific information have been made available to the general and local public through specific sections on the SiteChar website. Information meetings were held on location at the Polish site and at the Scottish site. The information meetings were held about one month after the focus conferences that have been described in D8.2 and shortly before the repeated survey measurements that will be described in D8.4. At the information meetings, the participants in the Focus Conferences were given the opportunity to present findings from their “Positioning Paper” that was published as part of D8.2. Only the Polish participants actually used this opportunity. Generally, interest in the information meeting was much lower in the UK than in Poland. Findings at both sites indicated that trying to establish input for an advisory board that would monitor the ongoing site characterisations and eventual project development on behalf of the local public would be preliminary. It was therefore decided and approved not to issue such advice.

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