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ECN publication
Review of lessons learned on public perceptions and engagement from other largescale energy technologies
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--15-049 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
23 Download PDF  

This report provides an overview of the lessons learned from other large scale energy technologies and considers how they might apply to shale gas development in Europe. Relevant literature relating to general public perception (awareness, knowledge, attitudes) as well as relating to local perceptions are discussed. Results show that knowledge for similar technologies is usually low. This makes it difficult to have an informed public debate. Although providing unbiased and accurate information to the public might lead to more informed and stable opinions, the impact of knowledge on attitudes is limited: perceptions, especially those related to risks, play a larger role in influencing public opinions. Once developed, attitudes remain rather stable over time, although media attention due to large incidents can still influence public attitude.

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