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ECN publication
Strategies towards an Efficient future North Sea Energy Infrastructure (SENSEI)
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Papathanasiou, F.; Beekman, L.; Boxem, T.; Koornneef, J.; Faaij, A Prof.; Welle, A.J. van der
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 12-12-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--16-053 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
103 Download PDF  

System integration between the offshore gas infrastructure and offshore wind, can offer significant economic and ecologic benefits compared to separate development. These result from lower development and operational costs for both offshore wind and gas, a higher market value through increased flexibility, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and accelerated wind deployment. In order to realise these benefits strategic decisions need to be made that should be coordinated between the offshore wind, offshore gas sector, government and other stakeholders. Yet a systematic overview and evaluation of the available system integration options is lacking, as well as sufficient insight in which choices need to be made on the short and medium term what are possible consequences. This project provides an overview of possible system integration options, with their main opportunities and challenges with a qualitative evaluation to form a basis for defining development strategies. The aim of this report is to produce an informative and well-balanced overview of the main options and evaluation aspects.

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