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ECN publication
Referentieraming energie en CO2 2001-2010 [ECN-C--02-010]
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-1-2002
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-P--01-010 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
76 Download PDF  

This report presents a reference outlook of Dutch energy use and CO2emissions until the year 2010. It contains a central projection of the developments for the next ten years with respect to energy use, energy conservation, fuel mix, energy prices and CO2 emissions. It is based on the latest developments and insights. The reference outlook is developed to function as policy reference. Therefore, it is based on central starting points with respect to socio-economic developments, global market prices for energy, technical developments, etc. The reference outlook is also based on the established national and international policy instruments. Compared to the insights of an earlier scenario that has functioned as reference, a number of major changes can be detected. In most cases this implies that targets concerning energy use, renewable energy and the reduction of CO2 emissions are in closer range.

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