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ECN publication
SMART : experiences with e-services for smart buildings
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 1-2-2002
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--02-002 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
8 Download PDF  

Presented at: ISPLC-2002, Athens, Greece, 27-29 maart 2002.

Apart from communication services in homes, orchestrating utility buildingswith PLC-technology provides a natural means for extending the scope of installation control and energy management systems. Implementation of this technology for establishing micro-networks in buildings and for enhancing the scope of building management systems using last-mile access to the Internet generates a promising application area. The SMART-project focuses on disclosing this wealth of additional information as a source for an extra level of optimisation of the operational strategy of these software systems. The SMART project has the aim to show how new smart building services, such as optimisation for energy efficiency and individual comfort management, are possible on the basis of software agent-mediated electronic marketplaces. Further aim is to show how the communication and computation possibilities using the Internet and PLC can be mobilised to decrease energy consumption and cost significantly in a real-time energy-pricing environment and how more frequent feedback and new feedback mechanisms add an extra contribution to this goal. In the ISPLC-2001 conference the subject of what added value can be attributed to Power-Line Communication services in managing energy consumption in buildings was dealt with. In the present paper, the first results of applying these services in a multi-disciplinary, real world, field-test context are presented. The viewpoints discussed are the hardware and software application architectural and computational aspects of a SEBOS (Smart Enhanced scope Building Optimiser Shell)-shell that yields information to existing building management and control systems. Critical, non-technical, success factors in optimally designing the interfaces of this shell to the building user community are important aspects in the SMART-project and are also discussed.

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