Tri-generation in the tertiary sector: Market potential in some European countries; Technical solutions and demonstration project
Boer, R. de; Smeding, S.F.; Chwieduk, D.; Pomierny, W.; Critoph, R.E.; Restuccia, G.; Freni, A.; Malvicino, C.
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Energy Efficiency in Industry
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Conference Paper
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Presented at: World Renewable Energy Congress VIII, Denver, USA, 28 augustus 2004-3 september 2004.
TheSOCOOL project is funded under the EU F5 Energy programme. It is focused
on the development of a small-scale combined cold, heat and power (trigeneration)
system, which utilises the engine waste heat for cold production. It
will be demonstrated at the CRF Eco-Canteen in Turin, Italy. The cooling
machine is made of two separate cooling systems, each of 5 kW cooling
power: One to be driven by the engine cooling water and one to be driven
by the engine exhaust. The system offers the possibility of saving 15-20%
primary energy for cooling, heating and power demands.
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