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ECN publication
The reduction of solar radiation by anthropogenic aerosol in theNetherlands : [intended for the proceedings of the climate change research conference, Maastricht, 6-9 Dec. 1994]
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--94-115 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
18 Download PDF  

Nitrate appeared to be the dominant aerosol species in the local 'direct'aerosol radiative forcing in the Netherlands, which was in the order of -5 W.m"-2 on cloudless days. A first approach to the local influence of anthropogenic aerosols on cloud microphysics and radiation transfer in clouds ('indirect' aerosol effect) was the measurement, in a large cloud chamber, of the number and composition of the cloud droplets formed in marine air. In anthropogenically 'polluted' marine air, five times more cloud nuclei were formed than in clean (arctic) marine air. Approximately half of the anthropogenic aerosol particles with the proper size did not have the proper composition, i.e. not soluble in water and did therefore not serve as extra cloud nuclei. 3 figs., 3 refs.

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