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ECN publication
Co-gasification of biomass and coal in entrained-flow based IGCCs
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-7-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--98-042 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: ECN contributions to: POWER-GEN '98, Milan, Italy, 9-11 June 1988; BIOENERGY '98, Madison, Wisconsin, 4-8 October 1998 (), , , Vol., p.-.

The use of coal for large scale power production is of growingenvironmental concern. In spite of the fact that 'clean' coal conversion technologies integrated with high-efficiency power production facilities, e.g. IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle), are developed, the aim for sustainable development strives for a power production system based on renewable sources. One of the most promising renewable sources that can be used in the Netherlands is biomass. In this paper the technical feasibility, economic profitability, and environmental acceptability, of co-gasification of biomass in coal-fired oxygen-blown entrained-flow based IGCCs is determined. A preliminary literature survey has been performed to identify commercially available entrained-flow based IGCC processes, the availability of biomass (waste) materials for power production purposes in the Netherlands, and potentially interesting co-gasification concepts. Steady-state integral system calculations within the flowsheet simulation package ASPEN"p"l"u"s, of both a base-case coal-fired IGCC process and three co-gasification concepts, have been and are being performed, resulting in overall mass and energy balances, net overall electrical/CHP system efficiencies, and avoided specific CO2 emissions. Economic system assessments will be performed to calculate specific total investment costs, power production costs, and to give an indication of the profitability of the necessary additional investment in case of co-gasification. Supporting experimental work has been and is being performed to provide lacking data necessary for the system assessments, and to get a better understanding concerning the conversion behaviour of biomass (waste) materials under specific entrained-flow conditions. 8 refs.

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