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ECN publication
Dewatering of organics by pervaporation with silica membranes
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy Efficiency in Industry 1-3-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--99-010 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Paper presented at the 7th Aachener Membran Kolloquium, 9-11 March 1999, Aachen, Germany (), , , Vol., p.-.

A microporous silica membrane based on a tubular asymmetric ceramicsubstrate system has been developed and upscaled and has been used for dewatering of organic solvents by means of pervaporation. The advantage of this membrane over polymeric membranes is that it can be used under aggressive environments and up to temperatures of 3000C. It has been shown that for the dewatering of alcohols high waterfluxes, up to 5 kg/m2h, during testing at 75C and 5 wt% water in the feed, are combined with process selectivity over 1000. Under the same process conditions the inorganic membranes need about 10 times less surface area than commercially available polymeric membranes. The fluxes through the microporous silica membrane are comparable to zeolite A membranes. Due to their much better stability in acidic environments the silica membranes are, however, preferred. 2 refs.

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