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ECN publication
Landfill sustainability and aftercare completion criteria
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 24-11-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--11-068 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Waste Management & Research, 2002:20, p. 279-289, ISSN 0734-242X (), , 2011, Vol.29, p.30-40.

Although many countries are increasing their efforts to recycle and to re-use waste materials, landfilling will still be needed in order to dispose of wastes which cannot be recycled or treated in other ways. Since landfills will most probably be present for a long time, measures will have to be taken to reduce their (long-term) emissions. The European Commission has delegated the competent authorities to decide to end aftercare and several member states have provided regulations for this purpose. However, there is currently no guidance for long-term risk assessment to support an aftercare completion procedure for landfills. The aim of this study is to provide examples of current regulations and to demonstrate an alternative approach for a quantitative risk assessment of landfill leachate. The presented modelling approach clearly demonstrates the added value of site specific risk assessments of the long-term emissions from landfills and might provide a basis for application when the acceptance criteria for landfill will be revisited in the future. In addition, the modelling approach can be used as one of the toolboxes to perform assessments of the long-term emissions from landfill leachates and might help the competent authorities to decide whether the remaining emission potential is acceptable or not. Moreover, the results imply that local environmental conditions contribute to the acceptability of landfill emissions and are important factors in choosing a landfill location.

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