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ECN publication
Light trapping in amorphous silicon solar cells with periodic grating structures
Li, Haihua; Wang, Q.; Chen, Jian; Krc, J.; Soppe, W.J.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 25-7-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--12-033 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Optics Communications (Elsevier), , 2012, Vol.285, p.808-815.

We report on the design of amorphous silicon solar cells with the periodic grating structures. It is a combination of an anti-re?ection structure and the metallic re?ection grating. Optical coupling and light trapping in thin-?lm solar cells are studied numerically using the Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis enhanced by the Modal Transmission Line theory. The impact of the structure parameters of the gratings is investigated. The results revealed that within the incident angles of - 40° to + 40° the re?ectivity of the cell with a period of 0.5 µm, a ?lling factor of 0.1 and a groove depth of 0.4 µm is 4%–22.7% in the wavelength range of 0.3–0.6 µm and 1%–20.8% in the wavelength range of 0.6–0.84 µm, the absorption enhancement of the a-Si layer is 0.4%–10.8% and 20%–385%, respectively.

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