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ECN publication
BO2-technology for biomass upgrading into solid fuel - pilot-scale testing and market implementation
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 9-6-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--08-036 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
7 Download PDF  

Presented at: 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, 2-6 juni 2008.

This paper concerns the development of BO2-technology, a new technology for biomass upgrading into commodity solid fuel. BO2-technology consists of a new innovative torrefaction technology concept (mild temperature treatment between 200 and 300 °C) in combination with pelletisation. It enables energy-efficient and cost-effective production of 2nd generation pellets with superior properties in terms of high energy density (1.5-2x conventional pellets), excellent grindability and water repellant nature (eliminating/reducing biological degradation and spontaneous heating, enabling outdoor storage). BO2pelletsTM can be produced from a broad range of biomass streams, such as wood chips, agricultural residues and various residues from the food and feed processing industry. ECN now operates a 50 to 100 kg/h pilot plant and has teamed up with two industrial partners, Econcern and Chemfo, to bring BO2-technology to the market.

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