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ECN publication
Environmental efficiency of immobilization techniques for wastes inrelation to utilization and disposal
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--96-045 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
16 Download PDF  

The development of new regulations for landfilling in Europe leads torequirements for treatment of waste prior to disposal. Various immobilization techniques are applied or considered to meet new regulatory limits. In many cases pass/fail tests developed for granular wastes are used to judge solidified wastes for lack of better suited regulatory tests. New test protocols for evaluating solidified waste are available now. A new approach to assess treatment efficiency has been developed based on comparing the leaching behaviour of a contaminated dredge spoil (example) in a compacted granular leach test with leaching behaviour of monolithic products after encapsulation of this waste in bitumen, cement-stabilization, sintering with clay to form bricks and vitrification to a glassy product. The efficiency of immobilization is separated in physical and chemical aspects, e.g. efficiency relative to the potential leachability, physical restriction (tortuosity) and release at a given time period. The data from untreated and treated material are summarized in an environmental index to facilitate comparison of treatment processes. 9 figs., 1 tab., 21 refs.

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