ECN publication
Nuclear Data Library Table (version November 1998)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN NUC 1-11-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--98-051 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
70 Download PDF  

This report presents the edition of the Nuclear Data Library Table, validfrom 1998-11-01. This library contains data for conversion of activity values to fluence rate and fluence values. The revised table is a modified version of the older library coded 1990-12-12. The older library has been extended with 23 reaction; the special 'background' reaction has been deleted. A table has been incorporated in this report which indicates the changes in this revised library data in comparison to previously used data. The data has been incorporated in this report which indicates the changes in this revised library data in comparison to previously used data. The data are presented as obtained as output from the program SAPNDLT. A table with half-lives of product nuclides is presented; in Appendix 2 these values have been calculated using the decay constants from this library. Surveys of thermal and fast cross sections are given for the various reactions in Appendix 3 and 4 respectively. Also a table with activities per mg mass for a fluence rate of 10"18 m"-2.s"-"1 is presented in Appendix 3 and 4 respectively. Also a table with activities per mg mass for a fluence rate of 10"18 m"-"1 is presented in Appendix 5 for various irradiation intervals. Appendix 6 gives for the various reactions the Kerma rate value. 8 refs.

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