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ECN publication
Neutron metrology in the HFR: MINiaturized cOmpact tenSion SpEcimens Irradiation R301-01 (MINOSSE-1)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN NUC 1-2-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--98-024 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
34 Download PDF  

Within the framework of the European Fusion Technology Programme and theInternational Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), NRG Petten is investigating the irradiation behaviour of structural materials for ITER. The irradiation of specimen holder R301-01 (MINOSSE-1) in the HFR (High Flux Reactor) Petten, loaded with thirty reduced size CT-specimens (thickness 2.5 mm) and manufactured from two types of austenitic stainless steel, is part of this programme. The R301-01 assembly was irradiated in channel 2 of a TRIO type facility for eighteen HFR operation cycles, subsequently in the core-positions H2 (first cycle), C3 and C7 (last cycle), up to a target dose level of 10 displacements per atom (dpa) in stainless steel at a nominal target temperature of 325C. This report presents the final metrology results obtained from activation monitor sets placed inside the specimen holder, including the thermal and fast neutron fluences, displacements per atom and the generated helium content. Additionally detailed information concerning an estimation of the fluence and damage doses received by each specimen and its temperature during irradiation are presented. The main result of the thermal and fast neutron fluence measurements, indicate that the obtained damage levels in the steel specimens loaded in this specimen holder vary from 7.3 and 11.7 dpa. The median temperatures of the specimens during the irradiation ranged mainly between 270 and 322C. Especially at the mid-plane positions the specimen temperatures reached the target temperature for the specimen holder. Detailed data are presented. 16 refs.

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