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ECN publication
Inventarisatie energiegebruik bij ECN gebouwen (ECN-019)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy Efficiency in Industry 1-7-2000
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN---00-001 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
123 Download PDF  

Reductions of the emission of carbon dioxide conform the Kyoto agreement is being incorporated in the Netherlands legislation. The Dutch Minister of economic Affairs has set ambitious targets in reducing the energy intensity of the industrial and services sector. This target concerns a 40 % reduction in CO2 emission in 2020 compared with the reference year of 1995. The Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) aims to comply with this reduction and the management proposes to commit itself in a licensing agreement to realise at least 60 % of the reduction. This commitment concerns a reduction per full time equivalent, implying that an increase in research staff can be accommodated without violating the targets. This report defines and applies a detailed inventory procedure of the end-use of energy in commercial buildings. Graphic presentations of registered energy consumption data have been used in support of this inventory procedure. Detailed insights in the end-use of energy provide the basics for evaluating the technology and the economy of energy conservation measures. The feasibility of a efficient combined heat and power gas motor bas been evaluated. Its potential to reduce the CO2 emission is estimated and points of attention for further analysis are indicated. This report also describes relevant energy consumption data of 1999 and issues related to cost and energy efficiency. The reported inventory includes a recently build energy efficient office building, a laboratory with clean rooms and high ventilation rate, a mixed building with labs and offices and a semipermanent office.

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