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ECN publication
CRISP - Functional Specifications of electric Networks with high degrees of distributed generation; Deliverable D1.1
Fontela, Miguel; Bacha, S.; Hadsjsaid, N.; Andrieu, C.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 14-9-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--07-008 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
96 Download PDF  

The deliverable D 1.1 is the first step in the project. This D 1.1 deliverable treats the different components: networks, generation sources and also the actors presents in the energy market. The French system is usually commented but comments about the other countries uses are also mentioned. Special attention has been paid to the Dutch system, a comparison between the French and the Dutch system is done. The main goal of this work is to describe the electric system and its components. Then, a benchmarking model is proposed in order to start the studies of the different work package. This benchmarking model implies: the transmission, sub-transmission and distribution electric sub-systems. From this model, different scenarios of perturbations are studies, these scenarios correspond to different frame work times (transient and steady states) and they could become fatal for the system operation.

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