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ECN publication
Catching the Wave Summary of discussions during workshop in Cambridge 9th and 10th February 2009
Neuhoff, Karsten; Lester, Sarah; Laing, Tim; Cust, James; Coninck, H.C. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 20-4-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--09-007 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
12 Download PDF  

Domestic action will be the key to shift developing countries onto low-carbon development trajectories. At the workshop in February 2009 we identified three sets of open questions that have emerged in the international discussion on climate cooperation with developing countries. A. International support for domestic action and enabling environments. Technology action plans, sustainable development policies and measures and nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) are all concepts that rely on domestic policies and actions to shift economies on a low-carbon growth path. We are interested to better understand what are the domestic barriers and drivers for such actions, how international support could unlock some of the domestic discussions, and what type of support would be helpful in the specific circumstances of a country and sector. B. Indicators to manage implementation of domestic action. While theoretical analysis and initial concepts for policies are often promising, their successful implementation repeatedly turned out to be more challenging. Experience in recent years points to the value of intermediate indicators to monitor, quantify and manage the implementation, to learn from comparison with other countries, and to make governments accountable for their actions or inactions. We are interested to explore the specific indicators that could support the implementation of policies with climate co-benefits, and discuss with stakeholders criteria for their evaluation, and to find categories to allow for the use of such indicators under UNFCCC reporting frameworks C. International technology cooperation as basis for domestic action. New technologies and the adoption of technologies from other countries and sectors play a central role in many decarbonisation strategies. This has been recognised and is reflected in a variety of proposals for international technology cooperation. We will explore frameworks to categorise the proposed mechanisms; although such an analysis will focus on a limited number of mechanisms, this should be sufficient to address the needs of different countries, sectors and technologies. A repeated feature of programs to enhance technology innovation, adoption and use is the concept of a conducive environment (enabling environment), that requires domestic action and points to the interactions between international support for domestic action and international technology cooperation. This report summarises some of the ideas that have emerged in the discussion, and provides the basis for research that will be pursued in the coming months.

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