ECN publication
Source apportionment of PM2.5 composition at five sites in the Netherlands
Schaap, M.; Weijers, E.P.; Mooiweer, D.; Nguyen, L.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 5-11-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--10-035 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
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The Netherlands is considered one of the hotspot areas in Europe with high concentrations of particulate matt er (PM) and will probably not be able to meet all standards for PM2.5 in time with current legislation. The Netherlands has to adapt its policies and update monitoring, emission inventory and models regarding PM. To improve our understanding of the composition, distribution and origin of particulate matt er in the ambient air a new project called the Netherlands Research Program on Particulate Matt er (BOP) was started. We have used the combined PM2.5 measurements from this project in combination with Positive Matrix Factorization (EPA-PMF 3.0) to identify and quantify the most relevant source contributions and their spatial variability to PM2.5 in the Netherlands.

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