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ECN publication
Summary National Energy Outlook 2015
Schoots, K.; Hammingh, P.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 11-11-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--15-040 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
20 Download PDF  

The National Energy Outlook (NEO) 2015 outlines the current state of the Dutch energy system in an international context The Dutch energy system is not isolated from other countries’ systems. In that context, the NEO describes the observed development from 2000 up to the present, as well as expected developments up to 2030. This relates to energy demand as well as to energy supply, emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, and also economic factors relating to energy, such as contributions to the national product and employment. The NEO thus provides a factual basis for political decision-making and the societal debate about energy in the Netherlands. This is the second NEO to be published. The NEO 2015 includes the baseline forecast for air pollutants, which was not included in the previous NEO. The present NEO also provides greater statistical insight into innovation within the energy system, and describes in greater detail the progress made in the context of the Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth (hereafter ‘Energy Agreement’).

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