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ECN publication
Renewable energy technologies: status and expectations
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--97-023 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Paper, presented at the 1997 Annual conference of the Belgian Nuclear Society, 2-3 June, 1997 (), , , Vol., p.-.

After the first oil crisis in 1973 renewable energy sources again becamefocus of energy policy of both industrialized and developing countries. Most countries were eager to reduce their dependency on one single energy source, oil. A few years before the oil crisis the RandD already started looking in ways to make our world more sustainable. This was a result of the work of the 'Club of Rome'. In order of importance the following arguments were put forward to develop renewable energy sources: diversification, and conservation of resources. Later, three arguments were added and slowly became the most important ones: reduction of (greenhouse) gases emission connected to the use of fossil energy sources, employment, and availability of energy (electricity) for all. At present the majority of the countries in the world in some way have national renewable energy development programmes in place. This contribution will address some of the renewables in some more detail, in particular solar energy, wind energy, and biomass. Wind energy is given extra attention, a.o. to provide better insight in some typical differences with conventional and nuclear power generation. 4 tabs., 14 figs., 10 refs.

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