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ECN publication
The yield of different combined PV-thermal collector designs
Zondag, H.A.; Helden, W.G.J. van; Vries, D.W. de; Zolingen, R.J.C. van; Steenhoven, A.A. van
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 1-8-2003
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--03-053 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Solar Energy, Vol. 74, no. 3, p. 253-269.ISSN 0038-092X (), , , Vol., p.-.

Various concepts of combined PV-thermal collectors are possible. Theseconcepts differ in their approach to obtain the maximum yield and it is not easy to say whether the yield of a complicated design will be substantially higher than the yield of a simpler one. In order to obtain a clearer view on the expected yield of the various concepts, nine different designs were evaluated. The channel-below-transparent-PV design gives the best efficiency, but since the annual efficiency of the PV-on-sheet-and-tube design in a solar heating system was only 2% worse while it is easier to manufacture, this design was considered to be a good alternative.

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