ECN publication
Heat & Flux. Enabling the Wind Turbine Controller
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 18-9-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-017 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
32 Download PDF  

In the years 1999-2003 ECN invented and patented the technique 'Heat & Flux'. The idea behind Heat & Flux is that tuning turbines at the windward side of a wind farm more transparent than usual, i.e. realising an axial induction factor below the Lanchester-Betz optimum of 1/3, should raise net farm production and lower mechanical turbine loading without causing draw-backs. For scaled farms in a boundary layer wind tunnel this hypothesis has been proved in previous projects. To enable alternative turbine transparencies, the wind turbine controller must support the addi-tional control aim 'desired transparency'. During this study we have determined a general method to design a transparency control algorithm. This method has been implemented in ECN's 'Control Tool' for designing wind turbine control algorithms. The aero-elastic wind tur-bine code Phatas has been used to verify the resulting control algorithm. Heat & Flux does not fundamentally change the control of horizontal axis variable speed wind turbines. The axial induction can be reduced by an offset on blade pitch or generator torque. Weighing reliability against performance profits, it appeared to be advisable to adapt only blade angle control.

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