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ECN publication
Test facilities for certification of grid-connected PV systems : automated tests for grid connected PV inverters
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 1-11-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-095 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
46 Download PDF  

In 1999, tests and requirements for the design qualification and type approval of grid connected inverters were laid down in the Dutch Guidelines. Before that, there was no uniform approach and standardised measurement procedure, and all the tests at ECN were carried out as separate tests.In order to perform the tests in accordance with the Dutch Guidelines ECN developed a new automated test facility for grid connected PV inverters. All inverters can now be tested with the same test set-up and the same test sequence. The test conditions are fully controlled and the measurements procedure has been standardised. The test facility promised hardware and software for: - a test set-up for functional tests in the laboratory with a solar simulator,
- an outdoor test set-up to assess the MPP tracker performance of the inverter in combination with a real PV array,
- a test set-up for reliability tests in a climatic chamber.
Single-phase inverters of up to 2500 Wac can be tested. Safety (IEC 60950) and EMC tests are not included, because there are other institutes that are better equipped for this purpose.

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