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ECN publication
19.5% Efficient N-type Si solar cells made in production
Burgers, A.R.; Geerligs, L.J.; Carr, A.J.; Gutjahr, A.; Saynova - Oosterling, D.S.; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Gaofei, Li ; Zhuo, Xu; Hongfang, Wang; Haijiao, An; Zhiyan, Hu ; Venema, P.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 5-9-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--11-026 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
4 Download PDF  

We present the status of our process development of silicon solar cells on n-type base material, and progress towards its industrial implementation. Independently confirmed efficiencies for Cz of 19.5% (239 cm2) have been obtained. To our knowledge these are the highest industrial scale efficiencies obtained with processing based on homogeneous emitter and screen-printing. We present an update of our process development, including efficiency improvements.

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