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ECN publication
Efficiency improvement with less silver consumption by deeper emitter with lower sheet resistance for uniform emitter
Komatsu, Y.; Strien, W.J. van; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.; Venema, P.; Stassen, A.F.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 3-12-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--11-090 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
2 Download PDF  

Lower sheet resistance for uniform emitter improved the conversion efficiency by 0.3%abs by doping profile manipulation. It also enables fewer front contact fingers with wider spacing due to the larger lateral conductivity in the emitter, which leads to the reduction of Ag paste consumption. 0.2%abs efficiency gain was achieved for 8% less front Ag paste and 0.1%abs efficiency gain for 11% less front Ag.

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