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ECN publication
Prepare(d) for Impact: PV Cost Reduction and Beyond
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 21-9-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-V--12-011 Article
Number of pages: Full text:
11 Download PDF  

Published in: Green (De Gruyter), , 2012, Vol.Vol.2 - No.4, p.127-134.

Photovoltaic solar energy technology (PV) may reach the terawatt deployment scale within a decade. This is enabled by rapid cost reduction through which PV is able to compete with conventional power in an increasing fraction of electricity markets globally. Although further cost reduction is essential for very large scale deployment and requires dedicated research and development efforts, it is not sufficient. Availability of fully sustainable technology and (electrical & physical) integration are other necessary ingredients for multi-terawatt-scale use. This paper quantifies and discusses the development challenges of PV and reviews some of the recent publications addressing the future of PV.

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