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ECN publication
Public final report IBChampion towards industrial 6 inch IBC device
Cesar, I.; Granneman, E.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 5-7-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--16-035 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
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The growth of the PV market has been spectacular in the last years. At the same time a significant shift occurred in cell production location from Europe to Asia while equipment manufacturing has largely remained in Europe. To support Dutch equipment manufacturers to realize and maintain a strong position in the Photovoltaic sector, the High-Tech “IBChampion” consortium led by Levitech B.V. has developed a high-efficiency Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell (named ‘Mercury’) as a natural up-grade of the n-Pasha (PANDA) solar cell, which is currently mass produced at Yingli Solar using technology and equipment from Dutch OEM. The collaborating parties further comprise the Dutch equipment manufacturers Tempress, ASM, Meyer Burger NL (former Roth & Rau B.V). and Eurotron, and the knowledge centres Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Delft University of Technology (TUD) and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The aim of the project is to develop a cost competitive IBC solar cell and module process with stringent criteria for the process complexity.

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