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ECN publication
On cost-effectiveness of Perovskite/C-Si tandem PV systems
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 25-9-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--17-034 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
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Presented at: EUPVSEC, Amsterdam, , 25-29 september 2017.

The requirements to achieve cost reduction with perovskite/c-Si tandem PV systems relative to single-junction (SJ) perovskite or c-Si PV systems are modeled. Specific cases assume a perovskite band gap of 1.7eV in tandem use and 1.55 eV in SJ use, both having the same module efficiency expressed as a fraction of the Shockley-Queisser limit for the band gap. Compared to SJ perovskite PV systems, current and foreseen c-Si cell manufacturing costs are low enough to achieve cost reduction when adding c-Si cells to a perovskite module, if, in particular, additional loss (other than related to SQ limit as a function of band gap) of power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the perovskite module from SJ to tandem can be mostly avoided (it should be less than about 10-20%). Compared to SJ c-Si PV systems, requirements for cost-effective modification to tandem structure are, not suprisingly, a high PCE and low cost for the added perovskite stack. For example, for reasonable parameter assumptions, a semi-transparent perovskite PCE of 16.4% and a stack fabrication cost of about 35 €/m2 would result in 10% cost reduction, the same PCE with a stack fabrication cost of 17€/m2 in 16% cost reduction, for tandem PV systems relative to the c-Si technology. In both tandem-SJ comparisons, if there is a significant increase of module manufacturing cost for, e.g., more expensive junction box, power optimizer, additional encapsulant materials, etc., or balance-of-system costs these should be included in the c-Si cell or perovskite stack costs (translated to the m2 cost), respectively.

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