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Publications from author Koning, H. 
Hart, J.; Woudstra, A.; Koning, H.;
Post-test analysis of PANDA test P4 [ECN-C--98-104 ; INNO-TEPSS(98)-D19]
ECN-C--98-104 EN 1999; 88 pag.
Siccama, N.B.; Koning, H.;
Afterheat removal from a helium reactor under accident conditions
ECN-R--97-015 EN 1998; 43 pag.
Siccama, N.B.; Koning, H.;
Afterheat removal from a helium reactor under accident conditions: CFD calculations for the code-to-code benchmark analyses on the thermal behaviour for the gas turbine modular helium reactor
ECN-RX--97-066 EN 1998; 11 pag.
Published in: To be published in the proceedings of the NEA workshop on 'High temperature engineering research facilities and experiments' (12 (), , Ed., p.-.
Siccama, N.B.; Koning, H.;
Results of the GT-MHR benchmark with the CFX code: afterheat removal from a helium reactor under accident conditions
ECN-RX--97-067 EN 1998; 25 pag.
Published in: To be published in an IEA Tecdoc on 'Heat transport and afterheat removal for gas cooled reactors under accident conditions' (), , Ed., p.-.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Loss-of-coolant and loss-of-flow accident in the ITER-EDA firstwall/blanket cooling system
ECN-R--94-032 EN 1995; 81 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Analysis of loss-of-coolant and loss-of-flow accidents in the first wall cooling system of NET/ITER
ECN-RX--93-095 EN 1993; 11 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Analysis of three ex-vessel loss-of-coolant accidents in the first wall cooling system of NET/ITER
ECN-R--93-001 EN 1993; 117 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Analysis of three loss-of-flow accidents in the first wall cooling system of NET/ITER
ECN-R--93-002 EN 1993; 92 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Overpower transient in the first wall cooling system of net/iter
ECN-R--93-003 EN 1993; 62 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Analysis of two in-vessel loss-of-coolant accidents in the first wall cooling system of NET/ITER
ECN-R--92-009 EN 1992; 102 pag.
Boogaard, J.P.A. van den; Stoop, P.M.; Koning, H.;
Two-phase critical flow; development of a new model and assessment versus other existing models and experimental data.
ECN-R--90-002 EN 1990; 0 pag.