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Publications from author Snijders, G. 
Rak, Z.S.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Snijders, G.;
Cf/SiC/C composites for tribological application
ECN-RX--01-010 EN maart 2001; 25 pag.
Presented at: High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites Conference, Munich, Germany, 1-3 oktober 2001.
Rak, Z.S.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Snijders, G.;
Cf/SiC composites by a novel manufacturing method
ECN-RX--00-040 EN december 2000; 21 pag.
Published in: The paper was submitted for publication to the Journal of the American Ceramic Society (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.; Snijders, G.;
Extrusion of electroceramics
ECN-I--00-005 NL maart 2000; 17 pag.
Rak, Z.S.; Snijders, G.;
Manufacturing of ceramic cutting blades by PIM
ECN-RX--97-056 EN september 1997; 23 pag.
Published in: Paper to be presented at the 1st European Symposium on metal injection moulding, PIM-97, during the Munich Trade Fair, Munich, G (), , Ed., p.-.
Hamburg, F.W.; Snijders, G.;
Hogedruk-spuitgieten van keramiek
ECN-I--93-008 NL 1993; 31 pag.
Hamburg, F.W.; Snijders, G.;
Ceramic injection moulding, defects and causes. : Presented at the Second European ceramic society conference (ECerS'91), Augsburg, 11-14 ; september 1991
ECN-RX--91-095 EN 1991; 0 pag.