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Publications from author Bersillon, O. 
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Nuclear data for accelerator-driven systems: nuclear models experiments and data libraries
ECN-RX--98-015 EN 1998; 31 pag.
Published in: Submitted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Neutron and proton data files up to 150 MeV for 54Fe, 56Fe, 58Ni and 60Ni
ECN-RX--97-047 EN 1997; 28 pag.
Published in: Papers presented at the JEFF Specialists' meeting on intermediate energy data, 18 June 1997, NEA data bank, Paris (), , Ed., p.-.