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Publications from author Vries, J.G. de
Rijnberg, E.; Kroon, J.M.; Wienke, J.A.; Hinsch, A.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Sinke, W.C.; Scholtens, B.J.R.; Vries, J.G. de; Koster, C.G. de; Duchateau, A.L.L.; Maes, I.C.H.; Henderickx, H.J.W.;
Long-term stability of nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells
ECN-RX--98-033 EN 1998; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.