Publications from author Capros, P.
Panatsou, C.; Bauen, A.; Böttcher, H.; Alexopoulou, E.; Fritsche, U.; Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van; Elbersen, B.; Kretschmer, B.; Capros, P.; Maniatis, K.;
Biomass Futures: Biomass Futures: an integrated approach for estimating the future contribution of biomass value chains to the European energy system and inform future policy formation
februari 2013;
9 pag.
Published in: Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Wiley), 2013, Ed.7, 2, p.106-114.
Bitzan, G.; Reisinger, H.; Meyer, N.I.; Kuehn, I.; Delkis, K.; Perrakis, K.; Capros, P.; Schaeffer, G.J.; Koutstaal, P.; Bess, M.; Croockall-Fallon, C.;
Renewable electricity and liberalising markets: phase 1: inception report
maart 1999;
112 pag.