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Publications from author Wefringhaus, E. 
Buck, T.; Kopecek, R.; Libal, J.; Röver, I.; Wambach, K.; Geerligs, L.J.; Sánchez-Friera, P.; Alonso, J.; Wefringhaus, E.; Fath, P.;
Large area screen printed n-type silicon solar cells with rear aluminium emitter: efficiencies exceeding 16%
ECN-RX--06-077 EN mei 2006; 4 pag.
Presented at: 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 7-12 mei 2006.
Buck, T.; Kopecek, R.; Libal, J.; Röver, I.; Wambach, K.; Geerligs, L.J.; Sánchez-Friera, P.; Alonso, J.; Wefringhaus, E.; Fath, P.;
Large area screen printed n-type mc-Si solar cells with b-emitter: efficiencies close to 15% and innovative module interconnection
ECN-RX--06-078 EN mei 2006; 4 pag.
Presented at: 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 7-12 mei 2006.