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ECN publication
The potential of “Power to Gas” technology integrated with biomethane production
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 27-11-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--14-067 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
13 Download PDF  

A feasibility study on integration of “Power to Gas” technology with bio-methane production from bio-syngas produced by biomass gasification shows that a significant amount of excess electricity can be accommodated in bio-SNG production. By adding hydrogen produced from intermittent renewable sources to the methanation section, production capacity of methane can be doubled in a flexible operation scheme, while gas quality and cold gas efficiency are hardly affected. Considering two possible limits for H2 allowed in the natural gas product, it was found that a limit of 10 % v/v can be easily reached. However, a much stricter limit 0.5 % v/v also considered by some pipeline operators cannot be reached with the conventional reactor studied. Simulation and experimental results show however, that with an advanced reactor using sorption enhanced (SE)-methanation the stricter H2 limit can also be reached. The corresponding CO and CO2 conversions where close to 100%. The methanation and SNG upgrade section mode need to deal with a considerable variation in mass flows and variations in the heat balance when switching between hydrogen addition and CO2 removal mode.

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