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ECN publication
Energy conservation stimulation programme for Slovakia.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
188 Download PDF  

The report describes the process of assisting the Ministery of Economy of Slovakia with the formulation of conservation policies and design of effective energy conservation programmes. In-depth sector studies have been performed of iron and steel manufacturing, chemical industry, production building materials and the production of paper and pulp. An industry-wide survey has been performed investigating the factors that determine the intensity of energy conservation efforts in the manufacturing sector. It has been focused on the barriers and incentives for energy conservation. From the results of sector studies and the survey, conservation policy elements have been derived and listed according to their impact on government budget. In the current situation of Slovak economy only 'no-' and 'low-cost' measures are considered relevant. These include the stimulation and expansion of existing information exchange networks, alteration of the mandate of utilities to prepare a role as energy conservation stimulant and (limited) support for energy audits and demonstration projects.

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