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ECN publication
Milieugerichte levenscyclusanalyses van windturbines
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--95-050 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
66 Download PDF  

The aim of this investigation is to determine environmental aspects of(1) upscaling of both onshore and offshore turbines and (2) offshore versus onshore placement of turbines. Attention has also been paid to a couple of waste processing options in order to obtain a responsible disposal of dismissed wing blades of wind turbines. Shortcomings of the followed procedure for life cycle assessments are pinpointed in the field of the software package, the inventory and the normalization of effect scores both for classification and evaluation. Upscaling from a 300 kW wind turbine to a 500 kW wind turbine results in a decrease (20-50%) of all environmental impacts considered in this study both for an onshore and an offshore situation. This is caused by the fact that the increase of materials use turns out to be lower than the increase in energy production. However, smaller differences than assumed in this study in electricity production between the two types of wind turbines - depending on wind climate and design - will result in a lower decrease or even an increase in environmental impacts. Offshore placement leads to considerably higher environmental impacts compared to onshore placement (5-180%). However, offshore placement offers important advantages in the field of noise pollution, adverse effect on landscape and level of electricity production. 11 figs., 25 tabs., 41 refs.

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