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ECN publication
WINDSPEED. Roadmap to the deployment of offshore wind energy in the Central and Southern North Sea
Veum, K.C.; Cameron, L.R.; Huertas Hernando, D.; KorpĂ„s, M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 19-7-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--11-065 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
52 Download PDF  

This Roadmap represents the final deliverable of the WINDSPEED project. It has a dual objective. Firstly, it aims to present an ambitious but realistic target for offshore wind with minimum negative impacts on other sea functions present in the Central and Southern North Sea basin in the time frame to 2030. Secondly, it aims to identify actions and milestones required to achieve this target.

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