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ECN publication
The demand for flexibility of the power system in the Netherlands, 2015-2050. Report of phase 1 of the FLEXNET project
Sijm, J.P.M.; Gockel, P.; Joode, J. de; van Westering, W.; Musterd, M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 9-11-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--17-037 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
142 Download PDF  

The report presents the methodology and major results of the first phase of the FLEXNET project. This phase is focussed on identifying and analysing the flexibility needs of a sustainable and reliable power sector in the Netherlands up to 2050. The report distinguishes and analyses two main drivers of the demand for flexibility, i.e. (i) the increase and changing profiles of power demand, notably due to the increase of electric vehicles, heat pumps and other, additional means of electrification, and (ii) the increase in power generation from variable renewable energy (VRE), in particular sun and wind. More specifically, the report identifies and analyses three sources (‘causes’) of the demand for flexibility, i.e. flexibility needs due to (i) the variability of the residual load (defined as total power demand minus VRE generation), (ii) the uncertainty of the residual load (notably the lower predictability of VRE power output), and (iii) the congestion of the grid (in particular at the Liander distribution network level). The report concludes that from each perspective flexibility needs of the Dutch power system increase substantially over the coming decades, in particular over the years 2030-2050.

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