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ECN publication
Aardgas als brandstof voor bedrijfsvoertuigen in Amsterdam : een haalbaarheidsonderzoek.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1992
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--92-079 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
114 Download PDF  

This report describes the feasibility of a network of CNG (compressed natural gas) refuelling stations in Amsterdam. The feasibility concerns the willingness of fleetowners to invest in CNG-vehicles and refuelling stations, the willingness of oil companies to invest in refuelling stations, the location of these fleetowners, the costs of CNG, legal constraints, and the location of the 8 bar natural gas distribution grid. The potential marker share and the environmental benefits of CNG are described in two scenarios. An investigation is made of fleetowners (more than 20 vehicles) located in Amsterdam. A selection is made of fleetowners with large fleets, divided over different sectors of the economy. Nine fleetowners are interviewed concerning their willingness to invest in CNG-vehicles. The conclusion is that operational rehability, limited refuelling possibilities, the higher fuelling frequency and the lower loading space are the main obstacles for fleetowners. With regard to costs the break-even points of CNG compared to gasoline, diesel and LPG are calculated. Based on these break-even points, a possible market share of 10-20% is estimated. The price of CNG is derived for private as well as public refuelling stations (slow fill and fast fill). From interviews it is concluded that oil companies have a positive but passive attitude towards investing in CNG refuelling stations. Legal guidelines concerning CNG are being developed in the Netherlands. From the provisional guidelines it is concluded that there are no severe legal obstacles tot the introduction of CNG. The environmental benefits of CNG vehicles are determined for the current situation as well as for the year 2000. In the year 2000 all gasoline cars are equipped with a three-way catalyst and diesel passenger cars and vans use direct injection and diesel with a low sulphur content, and are equipped with a oxidation catalyst. It is concluded that CNG trucks have the largest environmental benefit (compared to diesel trucks). For passenger cars and vans, the environmental benefit compared to gasoline is still considerable, but compared to diesel and LPG it is very small.

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