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ECN publication
Characterisation of energy crops, biomass residues and wastestreams: contribution to the Joule project: "Energy from biomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energy production"
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--95-047 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

The application of biomass for the generation of electricity is expectedto be realised at a larger scale within the coming years. Next to wood a wide variety of different types of biomass are considered as a fuel for power generating plants in the Netherlands. Information on the composition of biofuels is not readily accessible. There is a need to increase and to catalogue the available data. Also a method to evaluate differences within one class of biomass and between different types of biomass is lacking. The objectives of this study are to collect analysis data of different biomass types and to develop a method for the evaluation of the analysis results. The data are used for more general evaluations on the nutrient take-up and accumulation in the willow samples and miscanthus samples, grown on various test fields in Ireland. Also, the data served as input data for process calculations and the evaluation of biomass gasification and combustion, including pretreatment, handling and gas cleaning. Both subjects are described in other reports of the project. In this report data are presented in tables and in O/C - H/C diagrams in order to obtain a classification of the different types of biomass fuels, to relate the different fuels and to offer a quick method for controlling new analysis data. Within the framework of the project a large number of samples were analyzed and, furthermore, information on the chemical composition was collected from the literature. Samples were analyzed for the presence of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine, fluorine, phosphorus, alkali-metals, earth-alkaline-metals and heavy metals. All metals mentioned in the Dutch emission standard (BLA or Directive Emissions Waste Incineration) were determined. Furthermore, the moisture content, ash content, amount of volatile material and calorific value were measured. 5 figs., 16 tabs.

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