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ECN publication
Milieugerichte levenscyclusanalyses in energie-gerelateerde onderzoeksplanning: hoofdrapport van vier case-studies toegespitst openergieconversiesystemen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--95-048 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
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The aim of this investigation was (1) to make operational the pursuit ofsustainability at ECN and (2) to determine the practicality of chain analysis. Also the most important limitations of the life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology, the shortcomings of the life cycle assessments, and the comparability of energy conversion systems are outlined. The case studies pertain to cycle assessments of several energy technologies like ER-CFC (External Reforming Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell), wind turbines, STAG (STeam And Gas turbine), and lCGCC (Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle). In particular, attention has been paid to the evaluation of improvement options like process improvement (ER-MCFC), upscaling (wind turbines) and carbon dioxide removal (STAG/ICGCC). The LCA methodology which has been developed and described by the Centre for Environmental Science at the University of Leiden (CML), is used in all these cases. The software package SimPro 2.1 is used for tooling and interpretation of the environmental profile. In general, the most useful application of LCA can be seen as an auxiliary tool or environmental friendly design or redesign. In addition, the LCA methodology can only be a valuable tool, if consensus is attained with respect to the database and the normalization of effect scores or classification as well as evaluation. At the moment, using the LCA methodology has afforded mainly an impression of the relative contribution to the total environmental pollution of a product by stage of life. Further development of the current LCA methodology by combination with risk analysis and/or LP (Linear Programming) optimalisation models can solve the principal restrictions of LCA. For example, a risk analysis provides insight into incidental emissions and an LP optimization model provides a dynamic picture of the reference situation as well as the interactions with other technologies. 8 figs., 2 tabs., 28 refs.

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