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ECN publication
Milieugerichte levenscyclusanalyse van een gesmolten carbonaat brandstofcel: een analyse van een ER-MCFC voor elektriciteitsopwekking
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--95-049 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
53 Download PDF  

The results of an environmental life cycle assessment of a 250 kWExternal Reforming Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (ER-MCFC) power plant are presented. The aim of this investigation is to determine environmental aspects of (1) lifetime extension of the stack and (2) efficiency improvement. Shortcomings of the allowed procedure for life cycle assessments are pinpointed in the field of the software package, the inventory and the normalization of effect scores or classification as well as evaluation. Life extension of the stack from 7,000 to 42,500 hours results in a decrease (5-80%) of all environmental impacts considered in this study. A 6%-point efficiency improvement of the power plant to 50% reduces all environmental impacts by 12%. Efficiency improvement in combination with lifetime extension of the stack leads to a decline of environmental pollution by about 20-80%. 7 figs., 15 tabs., 33 refs.

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